It was my first time using Strava on a bike ride, and the day was perfect for a spin.
Rumors of a looming nuclear war are buzzing around the internet—though I don’t want to be an alarmist I figured I’d share some practical tips.
Spending time with my nephews before my birthday, I’m excited, yet a bit unsure about the kid-filled cinema scene.
Annie Lennox has always been my ultimate music crush! It’s not just her incredible voice, but her eyes are just captivating.
It’s been ages since I’ve been in the kitchen, let alone experimented with something new like Gallo en chicha from El Salvador.
Last weekend was a total grind. I worked a solid thirteen hours straight, from dawn till almost midnight.
Starting over, taking a breather from the hustle, I’m carving out a quick moment to spill some thoughts on this digital canvas.
I’ve been unable to sleep for the past two hours, failing to catch a wink of rest.
Batman Returns was always one of my favs movies. Burton’s dark Gotham becomes a living, breathing character, shrouded in perpetual twilight.
Runoffs of the 2016 elections in Peru, the winner still isn’t clear. However, what dominated most online messages was voting driven for anger.