My dream come true! The heir to my Palm has finally surfaced!

Nokia 770

After a thorough search, I’ve stumbled upon what appears to be the answer to my dreams —a sleek handheld ready to take the place of my dependable old Palm m130.

My trusty companion handheld decided to call it quits after I returned from a quinceañera a few days ago. Since then, I’ve been scouting various PDA models to find the perfect successor. The m130 was the first Palm with a color screen, so settling for a monochrome one just won’t do.

Its Motorola VZ Dragonball processor (yes, that’s the actual name, no kidding!) kept it impressively fast even with a load of apps and music. Plus, it’s 2005, and I need more storage space. If possible, a slot for an SD card would be fantastic; I’d love to load it up with even more tunes.

The m130 was the first Palm with a color screen, so settling for a monochrome one just won’t cut it now.”

The one that caught my eye (and, I’ll admit, still gives me butterflies) is the Palm Life Drive. However, now I believe I’ve found the perfect PDA. The Nokia 770 is a dream come true, based on Debian Linux, —no more blue screens like Winsux a certain indecent OS.

That suggests it’s a robust gadget, and I could connect to the Internet wirelessly from Linux. Finally! Because I have no effing idea how to do it, you know, I haven’t figured out how to connect Gentoo to the wireless router.

The Nokia 770 has internet connectivity via Wi-Fi, and I’m super excited just thinking about it.

The Nokia 770 has internet connectivity via Wi-Fi, and I’m super excited just thinking about it. It means I can use it on my local network or when the girlfriend wants to grab her frappuccino at Starbucks. And if I want to keep surfing the net, I won’t have an issue tagging along anywhere as long as there’s a hotspot.

I hope the price isn’t too outrageous; otherwise, I might reconsider the Life Drive, but come on! It looks gorgeous! While this continues to be my dream come true, I’ll leave you with some pics to catch your eye.

About Fer

Fernando Vergel, Product Growth UX Designer focused on crafting user-centered solutions and driving impact through innovation. I'm the mastermind behind this website, a passion project I've been cooking up since 2005.